Monday, September 30, 2013

Not Mittens

The yarn I spun and thought I would use for mittens transformed into another shawl during the Knitterain KAL this fall.

5yo got these pictures for me. You can see the beads in the black. All in all, I'm happy to have used my lovely Peruvian Blues handspun yarn (fibre by Sericin Silkworks) for this Siuslaw shawl.  The black is buttery-soft alpaca I'd spun to pair with the blues. In retrospect, it was too thin for mittens - yeah, that's it.

I was actually considering using my other Sericin Silkworks fibre - almost all spun - to pair with the blues for a brighter shawl, but discovered that even as a 3-ply, it was much too fine in comparison to the blues.  I am still working on my plying ball and had to take a break due to this horridness:
Can you see how the singles on the far left had fallen off it's holder 5 too many times? It's a mess! Slowly but surely I'm winding on and I know it will be all worth it!

Still slowly finishing my Proud As a Peacock mystery crochet-a-long.  Darn beaded edge.  Let's not even talk about knitting on the non-beaded edging of my Tread Softly shawl.

I did whip up this Cyclades vest for my eldest using handspun I bought in a destash.
She picked out the button, she'll have you know.

I also whipped up this destashing scarf:

And this little buttoned cowl in my own handspun (fibre from Wellington Fibres) as part of the KAL build up to the (first annual?) Manitoba Fibre Festival in Winnipeg. Kiddo and I had fun making all sorts of buttons earlier that week to finish this project.

At the festival I bought
this to knit for the kindergarten teacher (a half-haruni),

and these to spin.

I've got plans inspired by Trafalgar True...

That's what's new in my fibre world.
However, I really should knit mittens...

Friday, September 6, 2013


Purples are notoriously difficult to photograph. As I was trying to capture the fuschia camel-silk among my newly flowered morning glories, I was frustrated by the colours I was getting on my camera. I've yet to install the full user guide to learn more about my camera - but it is primarily a PnS, so I don't expect miracles. There is a function to filter colours, and applying the different filters resulted in interesting perspectives on the complex colours within the flowers and the fibre.