*updated with new photos*
Twins went straight to work spinning the wheel. I don't even need to treadle! It's twin-powered!
I couldn't resist trying it out with a bit of alpaca roving that had come with my newest spindles (intended for trying out the spindle and learning to spin, but I'm proficient enough with my spindles now).
The wheel needs oil and some TLC (dusting, had to reorient some of the flyer hooks, springs for the brake band...) I'll need a couple more bobbins (it only came with one) and I'll have to purchase/build a lazy kate at some point. I am also thinking of adding some painted details to the wheel because I'm not in love with the finish - but I really can't be bothered to sand it down and refinish it! It'll work as an earthy base coat that I can slowly detail - as I once did with my bedroom in my youth. My parents haven't repainted, so my detailed knotwork still adorns the walls and ceiling corners.
I digress. All I really want to say at this point is SQUEEEEEEEE!
I've wanted a spinning wheel for a long time. I'd given up hope of getting one second hand in my area for a price I could afford. (Hence I recently spent my Xmas money on a couple more spindles and fibre instead; not expecting a wheel to come up.) Then I received some money for a shawl I knit and this came up on kijiji within the week. Clearly it was meant to be. She'll look lovely posed next to my lap harp Amalthia (a Stoneyend Eve) when I eventually organize my office/tea room. One day in the nearer future. I'm inspired by the wheel to make the space usable! Plus, now I can organize the space around my fibre needs. Spinning corner, fibre basket, reading/knitting chair, good lamp... desk for the laptop so I can grade assignments... warm rug - which I should spin and make from a local fleece. Yeah... *dreaming now* *I'm back*
Seriously, that would be wonderful.
Stay tuned for more spinning updates as I'm wrapping up that Red fibre experiment using different spindles. If only I had one more ounce now to compare on my wheel. Oh well, guess I'll have to do the comparison again with a different fibre and all my tools. Darn.